Monday, November 18, 2013

Eastern Cafe: Relief Efforts for the Philippines

We declare November 23, 2013 - a global day of solidarity and awareness for the Philippines, and our people who are suffering in the wake of recent natural disasters. Events and fundraisers are currently being organized in Manila, Cebu, Davao, London, Melbourne, San Francisco, NYC, Paris, and New Zealand.

Check out the coalition:

Please see link:

 If you prefer to donate to an organization, I recommend the International Rescue Committee. Being one of the IRC's advisory council member in the Seattle chapter for the past several years to increase awareness on refugee issues and access to services, I highly recommend this organization. Please see link And as we address the primary needs (food, water and lodging) of the people affected by typhoon, we will actively participate on efforts focused on the secondary and tertiary level for prevention (decrease the impact of global warming) and preparedness (create effective evacuation sites, etc.). As such, I call on experts on global climate change and infrastructure building to message me and we can form a team.

What happened in the Philippines can easily occur in other parts of the world --- and must be addressed both in policy making and grass roots implementation.

With immense gratitude, thank you for your commitment and innovative ideas on how we can transform the future of humanity.

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